This obsession with safe and clean beauty products started after I graduated high school I had a horrible reaction to a product I thought was safe. The reaction was mild but it was on my face and distracted people when they saw the raw itchy and dark rash on my cheeks. I felt ashamed for some strange reason and decided then that being beautiful shouldn’t be so volatile or dangerous. After I vented to my mother of my insecurities she spun a dream in my ear and my mother came up with the name and we have been making safe healthy products ever since!
It was a great to be with family and for us to spend time together. We sat in our living room on the floor dreaming huge dreams and one day we just acted and decided despite falling into financial ad health hardships we would pour ourselves into our family projects and PAC was born.Our Products do not contain: Phalates, silicones, parabens, or parafins!
NO Phalates
NO silicones
NO Parabens
NO Parafin
And we are Cruelty Free, Natural, Organic and carry #Vegan products as well something for everyone!
I hope you come to love Poison Apple Cosmetics as much as I have. As a growing company we are always expanding and we will continue to do so with your support!
Thank you <3 We love you guys!